sım Kocabıyık,
founder and
honorary chairman
of Borusan
Holding, personally
established the
first microfinance branch in his
place of birth, Afyonkarahisar,
to expressly support women
entrepreneurs. The second
microfinance branch was
opened in 2013 in Gemlik, near
Bursa, where Borusan Holding
has an extensive industrial site
and port.
Together, these microfinance
branches have provided 1,300
women entrepreneurs with
approximately 3 million Turkish
Liras in credit support to start
or expand their businesses.
In 2014 alone, 603 women
entrepreneurs received
microcredit support.
The day after the mining disaster in Soma, western Turkey,
Borusan employees launched a donation campaign, the
Borusan Soma Solidarity Fund, for the families of the victims.
The donations collected from Borusan Holding and the group
companies were used to underwrite the Soma Solidarity Network
(SOMADA) project, developed by the Union of Psychosocial
Services in Disasters. The aim of SOMADA is to provide social
and psychosocial support to families which lost husbands or
fathers, children being the main focus. The Borusan Soma
Solidarity Fund met the costs of establishing and running the first
psycho social support center in Soma and provided vehicles for
two mobile teams.
orusan Ocean
Volunteers Platform
was founded in
2008 to enable
Borusan employees
to use their
knowledge and skills in social
responsibility projects in the
fields of education, culture and
the arts, the environment and
human rights.
Borusan Ocean Volunteers
Platform clocked 2,861 hours
of voluntary work, involving 630
volunteers. A total of 52 events
were organized in cooperation
with 26 NGOs.
Borusan Group companies and
their employees unceasingly
work toward repaying the “debt
of gratitude to the country.”
Borusan and
Borusan Soma
Solidarity Fund
A Corporate
The project unfolded in 2014
with two Borusan Joy Factories
opening their doors: the first
started to operate in Adıyaman
in July and the other was in
Afyonkarahisar in November.
These childcare facilities made
it possible for 150 children to
receive preschool education
and their mothers to return to
their jobs with their minds
at ease.
The “My Mother’s Job is My
Future” project also won
the Comprehensiveness
Award at the Corporate
Social Responsibility Awards
Contest held by the Turkish
Confederation of Employer
Associations and Borusan
Holding became the first
Turkish company invited to join
the United Nations Women’s
Empowerment Principles
Leadership Group.