3.15 Investments and Other Financial Assets
Available-for-sale financial assets
AFS financial assets are non-derivatives that are either designated as AFS or are not classified as (a) loans and receivables, (b) held-to-maturity investments or (c) financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss.
The Group’s AFS investments are unquoted equity investments that are not traded in an active market and stated at cost at the end of each reporting period since their value can’t be
reliably measured. Changes in the carrying amount of AFS monetary financial assets relating to changes in foreign currency rates, interest income calculated using the effective interest
method and dividends on AFS equity investments are recognized in profit or loss. Other changes in the carrying amount of available-for-sale financial assets are recognized in other
comprehensive income and accumulated under the heading of investments revaluation reserve. When the investment is disposed of or is determined to be impaired, the cumulative gain
or loss previously accumulated in the investments revaluation reserve is reclassified to profit or loss.
Dividends on AFS equity instruments are recognized in profit or loss when the Group’s right to receive the dividends is established.
The fair value of available-for-sale monetary financial assets denominated in a foreign currency is determined in that foreign currency and translated at the spot rate prevailing at the
end of the reporting period. The foreign exchange gains and losses that are recognized in profit or loss are determined based on the amortized cost of the monetary asset. Other foreign
exchange gains and losses are recognized in other comprehensive income.
AFS equity instruments that do not have a quoted market price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured and derivatives that are linked to and must be settled
by delivery of such unquoted equity investments are measured at cost less any identified impairment losses at the end of each reporting period.
Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are financial assets held for trading and financial assets designated upon initial recognition at fair value through profit or loss. A financial
asset is classified in this category if acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the short-term. Derivatives are also categorised as held for trading unless they are designated as
hedges. Assets in this category are classified as current assets.
Effective interest method
The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a financial asset and of allocating interest income over the relevant period. The effective interest rate is the
rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts through the expected life of the financial asset, or, where appropriate, a shorter period.
Income is recognised on an effective interest basis for debt instruments other than those financial assets designated as at FVTPL.
3.16 Interest-Bearing Loans and Borrowings
All loans and borrowings are initially recognised at the fair value of the consideration received less directly attributable transaction costs. After initial recognition, interest bearing
loans and borrowings are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains and losses are recognised in net profit or loss when the liabilities are
derecognised, as well as through the amortization process.
(Currency - US Dollars (“USD”) unless otherwise indicated)